Do you find yourself constantly dieting, struggling with eating habits, or feeling bad about your body?

Stop fighting with food. Drop the guilt. Find your healthy balance.

Anti-Diet Gentle Nutrition with Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and lICENSED Nutritionist Amber Hanson, LN, CNS

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Nutrition Office in White Bear Lake, MN

1-on-1 Nutrition Appointments

in-person in White Bear Lake or online

Get personalized nutrition guidance to help you make peace with food, establish health-promoting habits, and leave diet culture in the dust.

Nurture Your Health

with Intuitive Eating

Do you have a history of losing and regaining weight, a difficult relationship with food, describe yourself as an emotional eater, or struggle with body image?

Find pleasure and satisfaction in eating

Hi, I’m Amber!

I have been where you are, looking for that one diet, one workout, one anything to make my body smaller. I thought losing weight would improve every aspect of my life. I believed it so much that I became a licensed nutritionist to learn all the weight-loss secrets. Spoiler alert: There are no secrets.

I always got too hungry, lost motivation, or didn’t have the willpower. The weight always came back (and then some). It turns out that my weight wasn’t the problem.

The problem was my relationship with food. I saw food only as a tool to manipulate my body to match society’s (very thin) standard of health and beauty. What to eat was dictated by whatever diet was popular at the time.

I decided to try something radical: Intuitive Eating. I learned to trust my own body to tell me when, what, and how much to eat. I started moving in ways that felt good to me.

I dropped the weight-loss fantasy.

I gained pleasure and satisfaction from eating.

I found peace and comfort in my right-now body.

Delicious and Nourishing Recipes

Learn More About Gentle Nutrition

“I knew Amber was the real deal because she was not toting a magic cure-all or instant overnight transformation. She very clearly cared about me as a client. Amber has a comprehensive understanding of food, vitamin and mineral supplementation, and how the busy person interacts with all of the above. She broke it all way down! First, we assessed my specific needs. Then we formulated a plan.

After a two-month period, I made a great improvement in my anxiety and depression. It was the first winter I did not suffer severe seasonal affective disorder!

-Nutrition Client, Minneapolis, MN